Yell0w Fever?
Written on 11:59 PM by irockish
As you all know the Dev-Team is the creator of yellowsn0w the iPhone soft-unlock hack that provides you to use your iPhone on any carrier you wish, here in the U.S. T-Mobile :). Well with WWDC tomorrow, there are more and more fakes/spammers/idiotic people who have no time on their hands and make blogs pretending to have "special info" from the dev-team that they haven't already said. The Dev-Team says this:
"Unfortunately, there are predators out there that are counting on your over-exuberance. Maybe we should call it yell0w fever. One very recent example is a certain yellowsn0w221 page on Do not download anything from that page if you’re on a PC, else you’ll be infected with a virus. The page talks and talks about a supposed Firmware 2.2.1 yellowsn0w exploit, but it’s all a ruse to get you to download and infect your PC."
Basically what there saying is, anyone to have a special, unreleased version of the New yellowsn0w for 3.0 and such is lying. Any other news referring to the dev-team is fake as well unless they have posted it themselves on the blog.
Certain sites as well make you download stuff and gives your PC a virus. Make sure that YOU DON'T download anything from those sites, if your not sure about it, dont download it!
Any news concerning yellowsn0w unlocks or anything about that will be posted on the dev-team's blog you can also follow them on twitter here as well
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