Apple's App Store Software getting more Pricey with 3.0


Written on 3:07 AM by irockish

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If you watched the Keynote earlier this year, I'm sure you remember hearing about all the lovely features of 3.0 right? The copy and paste, the MMS finally after 2 years, all the new API's for the developers in the SDK. Well with every good thing, comes something bad.

More money! With the new SDK, developers are allowed to add in more prices to their apps. For example with games they could charge you another 5 dollars for 10 more levels on a OTA type thing. No more "FREE" updates unless currently I don't know if there's any kind developer's out there (LOL), but my guess is no. To me it's dumb because I saw in the SIMS 3 demo, the person showing the SIM walking around the house and such, walking outside. But when he had to go to his living room he had bought a stereo for a dollar, a REAL dollar. Yup, if you buy the SIMS 3 for already the normal-expensive 10 bucks you get to be able to contribute more and more to them. Which is already a 10 dollar app could turn into 40 bucks, depending on what you do or "buy"

I know that I had seen the ESPN demo with a dialog box asking for 6 or so more months of subscriptions for about another 10 bucks or 5? This gives developers the chance to put a price on everything. Army based apps for example, $0.99 for a bazooka, $0.99 for a upgrade on a Hummer. Things like that, I don't really like, and I think it could turn out bad for the App Store as well too. I don't think that too many of the app store consumers are going to be happy about this.

With WWDC right around the corner we'll finally be able to see what's up apple's sleeve.

Watch the March 17th Event

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