Downloading .IPSW Files With Safari 4
Written on 5:24 PM by irockish
The great people over at MMi have made a nice little 15 second tutorial over on their site about download .IPSW files on Safari on Macs. It seriously takes like 15 seconds.
.IPSW being the file type for the firmwares. If you've jailbroken your phone or are thinking about it. Then your going to deal with these files. Safari automatically extracts it which is why the .ipsw could not be working. Follow this tutorial on their site and you'll be set. 15 secs goes a long way when dealing with problems like this.
BTW Safari might not do the auto-extract thing again but it might name it "" just rename it and take of ".zip" and you'll be good!
How to Download iPhone Firmware .ispw with Safari Via MMi