iPhone 3G S Jailbreak IS Possible


Written on 9:58 PM by irockish

Well I'm sure most of you already love the 3GS and all it's lovely 5 new features, but if you were a preview iPhone 3G owner or iPhone 2G and you were part of the Jailbroken community. You miss Cydia right?

Well all the prayers are answered. GeoHot, the first person to ever create a iPhone unlock, has done some snooping around and has found that the iPhone 3GS is vulnerable to a jailbreak through the same 24kpwn exploit present in the iPod Touch 2G. What does this mean? I'll let him explain, this is from his blog:

With the help of chronic, posixninja, and pod2g, I verified that it is still vulnerable to the 24kpwn exploit present in the iPod Touch 2G. This is great news for all of you. Basically, this means if someone makes a tethered jailbreak, it easily becomes untethered, because the boot chain is broken. Expect big things soon
Good news for you owners and it only took about a week as well :). Maybe next time Apple

The cat and mouse game shall continue. Follow me on twitter for any more leads to iPhone 3GS Jailbreak + Unlock

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