10 New Things Coming in iPhone 3G S that you might or might not know
Written on 9:29 PM by irockish
1. It's way faster
The big thing about this iPhone is Speed. Everything on this phone from opening an app to surfing the web is 2x faster than it is on the 3G. Now this is pretty good, I've seen on Apple.com's guided tour, the little walkthrough they had. It does seem quicker and faster. But network wise, not too many places will have the 7.2 speeds that the iPhone is capable of, but we'll see how AT&T will pull it off, since they started upgrading their network back in april [BGR]. Either way the faster iPhone makes me wanna upgrade and go to AT&T, (im currently on T-Mobile with a 3G]
2. Improved Camera
Although the iPhone's camera was the best 2.0 camera I've ever used, it was great. But with all the other Smartphone's coming out with 3.2 megapixel camera's like the Pre, and Storm, I think it was about time they upgraded it and with some great features. Touch to Focus, auto-macro, auto-contrast, auto-EVERYTHING!. It's much better than the 2.0 camera obviously and takes some pretty amazing features as well.
3. Video Recording
MAN! was this long overdue. Video finally coming to the iPhone officially. It was available through Cydia, but obviously required Jailbreaking. It even comes with video-editing tools as well. Right after your done recording, you get to crop it right there and share it through YouTube, MMS, Email and MobileMe. Cool right?
4. More GB Memory
While we guess right on this one huh? Every site with rumors about the next-gen iPhone had said that it was 16GB and 32GB. The best part of it is that the 16GB took the $199 price just like the ol' 8GB which got dropped down to $99. Apple's awesome in pricing!
5. You can talk to it
The iPhone 3G S has voice control, not a new innovated feature but one that Apple was lacking! Now I find this feature to be really useful but I don't get why Apple is being dumb and keeping this from the 3G? I don't know if it's a hardware issue, but Apple also said the 1st gen iPhone isnt capable of receiving MMS's when it is fully capable. MacLife went on to find the truth and this was the response they had received:
We decided to get to the root of the problem by calling up the makers of the chip–Infineon. We contacted an Infineon representative in Milpitas, CA to uncover the details. The gentleman that answered the phone kindly explained that there is no way the Infineon chip inside the original iPhone is incapable of receiving MMS since that function relies on software rather than hardware.I guess apple was dumb enough and now left swirlyMMS in business, since they charge about 12.00, which is still dumb because 3G owners are getting it for free, but still Apple was foolish enough to say that it wasn't capable. The damn hardware was like way ahead of it's time, they said it themselves as well. Steve's on crack!
6. Internet Tethering
Now before you AT&T owners get excited, you will not be getting this feature. AT&T again not supporting it just like MMS until later this summer. I say August. But other carriers like Optus will be supporting it from day 1! At least someone's ready right?
Internet tethering of course allowing you to share the cell data connection with your laptop or desktop or mac of course through USB or Bluetooth. I'm sure there(AT&T) thinking of a way to nickel and dime you for it.
7. Built-in Compass
Seems like a silly feature although can be useful, for example the Compass app can now adjust google maps to point in the direction of which you are that way you get better location directions
Us 3G owners will still be graced by the presence of TomTom coming to the iPhone for turn-by-turn directions.
8. The New Accessibility features
These brand new features will be located in settings, and will help people with Disabilities. These new features include VoiceOver, tapping on text or certain part of the screen and the iPhone will read it to you (awww) as well as a zoom function that magnifies up to five times, and a white on black display option that provides increased contrast.
9. Nike+iPod
The iPhone 3G S will be compatible with the system, which displays real time walking or running statistics. Currently the iPod Touch 2G with this feature is now coming to the iPhone. It was bound to happen guys.
10. New headphones
The iPhone is also taking another thing from another iPod, the brand new Nano with the remote on the headphones, is coming to the iPhone as well. The standard microphone piece will be there as well to handle all your lovely phone calls
so what do you think of these new features? like em or hate em?
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