I'm sure you all remember George Hotz, aka GeoHot, the one who first unlocked the iPhone(the original one). Well he did it again by unlocking the iPhone 3GS.
Now he did however use redsn0ws code and only changed around 10 lines of it. But still he has created the first jailbreak. So why isn't it released yet? Well I don't want to break anyones heart, but the dev-team is holding off on that. Here the blog post to see for yourself.
So GeoHot has the luxury of having the only jailbroken phone unless planetbeing does too as he just got a nice new 3GS as well, courtesy of all the followers.
The video below shows a guy at the pool recording and loving his new 3GS, when apparently his iPhone 3GS drops in the pool for a little swim. Look what happens
...It still works! I believe all he had was a rubber case, but still nothing had happened to it. As of yesterday 6-28-09 the phone is still in 100% working condition. His warranty is now in-effective but oh well. It might hurt him down the road like this guy who put his iPhone under running tap water.
But please don't go and try this with your lovely 3GS, I'm sure it was just a coincidence. One that should never be done to a iPhone (haha im only joking)
There's been many many rumors about a PSP phone in the works. Nothing ever has happened though. Well they've popped up again and the reason for this like last time, was to take on the iPhone. Of course Sony being the makers of the PSP and Playstation, why shouldn't they at least try right? If it actually does happen, what do you think will happen? Carrier? Specs? Screen? I'm kinda curious about this one.
Nice one Palm, obviously they haven't caught up to the idea of people leaking stuff to the internet. Apple uses smarter "ways" to have an SDK one that doesn't leak out.
How did this happen? Palm doubled the number of people who were originally going to try out the SDK and someone leaked it onto the internet. @keithah tweeted about it and it spread from there. For now it's only the windows version.
Palm took for frickin ever anyway, so it's nice they did this. I'm not posting the link but if you know how to use google you'll be good :).
So besides the white iPhone "3G" cracking issues on it's housing. There seems to be another issue now, and that is as you can see above a 3GS, with brown on it.
The case with this one is that when the iPhone overheats with the white one apparently over a week of time, Today (Friday) being the one week launch of the iPhone "3GS". Only been one case and apparently it's already been sent in for analysis and could/SHOULD get a replacement phone
If you look on the pictures you can see where the battery outline on the phone, should've went with black buddy! :)
This video is to show you how to get the Battery Percentage feature that's only supposed to be in the iPhone "3GS". Why Apple didnt give it to 3G users is beyond me but if your jailbroken this is a nice feature to use.
Enjoy, Comment, Rate, and Subscribe!
Instructions: 1. Jailbreak device if you haven't already 2. Open Cydia 3. Go to search pane, and type in "iPhone-Notes" 4. Install that source 5. Go to changes and install "asBattery" 6. Exit out of cydia 7. Reboot iPhone 8. Go To settings>general>usage and turn Battery Percentage "On" 9*. Subscribe to me :P
So I'm sure most of you guys have upgraded to 3.0, if you haven't then why not? It comes with a lot of amazing features that should've been here since about 2.0. I'm cutting you some slack Apple! Well my question to you guys in this post is has anyone noticed some improvement in battery life? I'm sure for the 3GS it must be some phone. Apple added speed and yet better battery life? Simply amazing, that's why I love apple.
But since upgrading to 3.0 all I've done is jailbroken so that I could use ultrasn0w. And also the battery hack that shows me the percentage of the battery left. Something that should've came with the 3G upgrade not just something for the 3GS, I dont get it either. So if you have a quick second leave some comment letting me know if your one of the people like me who has some increase in battery.
If anything I've noticed about a good half a day increase in my battery.
Well I'm sure most of you already love the 3GS and all it's lovely 5 new features, but if you were a preview iPhone 3G owner or iPhone 2G and you were part of the Jailbroken community. You miss Cydia right?
Well all the prayers are answered. GeoHot, the first person to ever create a iPhone unlock, has done some snooping around and has found that the iPhone 3GS is vulnerable to a jailbreak through the same 24kpwn exploit present in the iPod Touch 2G. What does this mean? I'll let him explain, this is from his blog:
With the help of chronic, posixninja, and pod2g, I verified that it is still vulnerable to the 24kpwn exploit present in the iPod Touch 2G. This is great news for all of you. Basically, this means if someone makes a tethered jailbreak, it easily becomes untethered, because the boot chain is broken. Expect big things soon
Good news for you owners and it only took about a week as well :). Maybe next time Apple
The cat and mouse game shall continue. Follow me on twitter for any more leads to iPhone 3GS Jailbreak + Unlock
With 3.0 obviously came a long awaited feature: MMS!! So now that ultrasn0w is out, and your using T-Mobile or another Carrier that supports MMS, you can now edit the celluar MMS settings.
To get here go Settings>General>Network>Cellular Data Network then you will see MMS. If your on T-Mobile USA then I have the settings for you here:
APN: wap.voicestream.com Username: Password: MMSC: MMS Proxy MMS Max Message Size: MMS UA Prof URL:
Exactly like they are and you will be able to MMS, unlike AT&T lol, Oh well they still got 3G we don't :(
The great people over at MMi have made a nice little 15 second tutorial over on their site about download .IPSW files on Safari on Macs. It seriously takes like 15 seconds.
.IPSW being the file type for the firmwares. If you've jailbroken your phone or are thinking about it. Then your going to deal with these files. Safari automatically extracts it which is why the .ipsw could not be working. Follow this tutorial on their site and you'll be set. 15 secs goes a long way when dealing with problems like this.
BTW Safari might not do the auto-extract thing again but it might name it ".ipsw.zip" just rename it and take of ".zip" and you'll be good!
iPhone 3G Owners can now rejoice everywhere as ultrasn0w is now officially available. BIG THANK YOU goes out to the Dev-Team for all their hard work and focus on trying to get it out ASAP for us. Make sure you check their blog, and follow them on Twitter!
I'll post a vid tomorrow, joining the other million that will be up on how to unlock the iPhone, its pretty simple if you have it jailbroken just follow these instructions straight from the dev team themselves.
In this video I look at the Lady Gaga Tap Tap App, try saying that 5 times fast!! haha Enjoy the Demo and video thanks SUBSCRIBE and rate 5 stars please
So I wanna know how many people are loving the new phone. Was it worth the upgrade? are you unhappy? is it what you expected? what you didnt expect? I'm curious to know. You can either comment here or send me a Tweet @iRockIsh.
I didnt get one for two reasons. 1 I'm not on AT&T, I'm one of the ones who have to wait till the dev team unlocks the phone like 6 months after it comes out. 2. i dont have the 600-700 dollars for it
I do want it badly, but it's alot. Next year when my contracts up I think I'm gonna make the switch!
above is just one of the performance results showing how fast the page loaded up and rendered. The contestants were most of the big smartphones in the market such as the iPhone 3G, the Palm Pre, and the T-Mobile G1
above now is the application launch times, all of these apps are on all of these phones, of course you can see how the iPhone 3G S (Of course), comes in first place without a doubt.
The new 3GS renders web pages 128% faster, on average, than the old iPhone 3G. The 45% clock speed boost alone isn't enough to generate such a large performance increase, this is a new microarchitecture. Also, note that the 3GS' performance mimics that of the Palm Pre - another Cortex A8 based phone.
Such nice results, Pre and G1 didnt stand a chance, especially its little iPhone 3G brother.
So AT&T put out a new video on last time because there's been some buzz and a lot of questions about the new iPhone, you know the whole how much is upgrading going to be? and stuff like that. This video answers most of those questions
So a big question i'd say ever since WWDC regarding AT&T and the 3.0 update was is there going to be an extra charge for MMS. AT&T always finds a way but not in this case. If you currently have the text messaging bundle plan for your iPhone. There will be no extra charge for sending Picture Messages. Now though. MMS is not coming until later this summer as we all know by now. But I guess now the question should be when are we going to get this lovely-should've-been-here-a-long-time-ago feature?
The above image is from BGR, and one of their ninjas are reporting that there's a shortage in AT&T's supply for 3G S's!!! OH NOEZ!
Basically if you pre-ordered on Saturday 13th, 2009 and later should know that there iPhone won't be in stock till about 7-14 days after the date it was ordered. Though if you managed to be smart and pre-ordered the 3G S, your phone will still be arrived in time for the 7 A.M. opening on Friday June 19th 2009. The customers will also get an email noification when there phone is available for pick-up.
The document also says that pre-ordering is still the best option as well for a getting a 3G S, as quickly as possible.
We all know by now that the iPhone is going to be faster than both the iPhone 3G and 1st gen iPhone but now the specs have been revealed that the iPhone 3G S will have 600 MHz processor bumped up from a 400 MHz like the iPhone 3G has. The RAM has also been bumped up as well from 128MB to 256MB. This is how the brand new iPhone is faster than the 3G! would be nice if we could replace the pieces in the iPhone 3G with these right?
"So what's new with this iPhone? It looks completely the same as my 3G?" Well thats what I'm here to talk about. The iPhone 3G S, although it looks completely like a 3G is going to have features, that Apple is too greedy about to give to us current 3G owners.
1. It's way faster The big thing about this iPhone is Speed. Everything on this phone from opening an app to surfing the web is 2x faster than it is on the 3G. Now this is pretty good, I've seen on Apple.com's guided tour, the little walkthrough they had. It does seem quicker and faster. But network wise, not too many places will have the 7.2 speeds that the iPhone is capable of, but we'll see how AT&T will pull it off, since they started upgrading their network back in april [BGR]. Either way the faster iPhone makes me wanna upgrade and go to AT&T, (im currently on T-Mobile with a 3G]
2. Improved Camera Although the iPhone's camera was the best 2.0 camera I've ever used, it was great. But with all the other Smartphone's coming out with 3.2 megapixel camera's like the Pre, and Storm, I think it was about time they upgraded it and with some great features. Touch to Focus, auto-macro, auto-contrast, auto-EVERYTHING!. It's much better than the 2.0 camera obviously and takes some pretty amazing features as well.
3. Video Recording MAN! was this long overdue. Video finally coming to the iPhone officially. It was available through Cydia, but obviously required Jailbreaking. It even comes with video-editing tools as well. Right after your done recording, you get to crop it right there and share it through YouTube, MMS, Email and MobileMe. Cool right?
4. More GB Memory While we guess right on this one huh? Every site with rumors about the next-gen iPhone had said that it was 16GB and 32GB. The best part of it is that the 16GB took the $199 price just like the ol' 8GB which got dropped down to $99. Apple's awesome in pricing!
5. You can talk to it The iPhone 3G S has voice control, not a new innovated feature but one that Apple was lacking! Now I find this feature to be really useful but I don't get why Apple is being dumb and keeping this from the 3G? I don't know if it's a hardware issue, but Apple also said the 1st gen iPhone isnt capable of receiving MMS's when it is fully capable. MacLife went on to find the truth and this was the response they had received:
We decided to get to the root of the problem by calling up the makers of the chip–Infineon. We contacted an Infineon representative in Milpitas, CA to uncover the details. The gentleman that answered the phone kindly explained that there is no way the Infineon chip inside the original iPhone is incapable of receiving MMS since that function relies on software rather than hardware.
I guess apple was dumb enough and now left swirlyMMS in business, since they charge about 12.00, which is still dumb because 3G owners are getting it for free, but still Apple was foolish enough to say that it wasn't capable. The damn hardware was like way ahead of it's time, they said it themselves as well. Steve's on crack!
6. Internet Tethering Now before you AT&T owners get excited, you will not be getting this feature. AT&T again not supporting it just like MMS until later this summer. I say August. But other carriers like Optus will be supporting it from day 1! At least someone's ready right?
Internet tethering of course allowing you to share the cell data connection with your laptop or desktop or mac of course through USB or Bluetooth. I'm sure there(AT&T) thinking of a way to nickel and dime you for it.
7. Built-in Compass Seems like a silly feature although can be useful, for example the Compass app can now adjust google maps to point in the direction of which you are that way you get better location directions
8. The New Accessibility features These brand new features will be located in settings, and will help people with Disabilities. These new features include VoiceOver, tapping on text or certain part of the screen and the iPhone will read it to you (awww) as well as a zoom function that magnifies up to five times, and a white on black display option that provides increased contrast.
9. Nike+iPod The iPhone 3G S will be compatible with the system, which displays real time walking or running statistics. Currently the iPod Touch 2G with this feature is now coming to the iPhone. It was bound to happen guys.
10. New headphones The iPhone is also taking another thing from another iPod, the brand new Nano with the remote on the headphones, is coming to the iPhone as well. The standard microphone piece will be there as well to handle all your lovely phone calls
so what do you think of these new features? like em or hate em?
Be sure to follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/iRockIsh !
The people over at iTalkiPhone.com have gotten their hands first on the iPhone 3G S, apparently from the pictures there is a Gold Trim on the side, 3G S gets gold while the 3G will still get silver. since the both are the same I guess that's how they will be distinguished. More info on the forums be sure to go visit and check it out for yourself. Theres more pics at the bottom, click em to make em bigger.
Not a lot going on, I'm sure the you will be getting the same stuff you've been getting in the previous iPhones, headphones, charger, all that jazz.
So I was looking through cydia last night and noticed that you had to pay for a few themes that were in changes...future of themes for cydia? hope not.
Today at WWDC 2009 Apple introduced with the iPhone 3G S, with that being awesome and all. Whats to happen to the old supply of 8GB and 16GB? the 8GB will sell at $99, which is awesome! And the 16? well that will sell at $149.99. $50 bucks cheaper than the iPhone was not even 3 weeks ago
This is pretty sweet deal if you ask me, if you've been looking to purchase an iPhone for a while now, I say now you have an even bigger predicament on your hands:
The 8GB 3G?
The 16GB 3G?
or the brand new 16GB 3G S (the s is for speed lol)
All good choices no matter what. Just go pick up an iPhone now!!
New iPhone 3G S was announced earlier today, in this video I talk about some of the features as well as the 3.0 firmware features that were announced earlier this year and a few others as well
As you all know the Dev-Team is the creator of yellowsn0w the iPhone soft-unlock hack that provides you to use your iPhone on any carrier you wish, here in the U.S. T-Mobile :). Well with WWDC tomorrow, there are more and more fakes/spammers/idiotic people who have no time on their hands and make blogs pretending to have "special info" from the dev-team that they haven't already said. The Dev-Team says this:
"Unfortunately, there are predators out there that are counting on your over-exuberance. Maybe we should call it yell0w fever. One very recent example is a certain yellowsn0w221 page on wordpress.com. Do not download anything from that page if you’re on a PC, else you’ll be infected with a virus. The page talks and talks about a supposed Firmware 2.2.1 yellowsn0w exploit, but it’s all a ruse to get you to download and infect your PC."
Basically what there saying is, anyone to have a special, unreleased version of the New yellowsn0w for 3.0 and such is lying. Any other news referring to the dev-team is fake as well unless they have posted it themselves on the blog.
Certain sites as well make you download stuff and gives your PC a virus. Make sure that YOU DON'T download anything from those sites, if your not sure about it, dont download it!
Any news concerning yellowsn0w unlocks or anything about that will be posted on the dev-team's blog you can also follow them on twitter here as well
If you watched the Keynote earlier this year, I'm sure you remember hearing about all the lovely features of 3.0 right? The copy and paste, the MMS finally after 2 years, all the new API's for the developers in the SDK. Well with every good thing, comes something bad.
More money! With the new SDK, developers are allowed to add in more prices to their apps. For example with games they could charge you another 5 dollars for 10 more levels on a OTA type thing. No more "FREE" updates unless currently I don't know if there's any kind developer's out there (LOL), but my guess is no. To me it's dumb because I saw in the SIMS 3 demo, the person showing the SIM walking around the house and such, walking outside. But when he had to go to his living room he had bought a stereo for a dollar, a REAL dollar. Yup, if you buy the SIMS 3 for already the normal-expensive 10 bucks you get to be able to contribute more and more to them. Which is already a 10 dollar app could turn into 40 bucks, depending on what you do or "buy"
I know that I had seen the ESPN demo with a dialog box asking for 6 or so more months of subscriptions for about another 10 bucks or 5? This gives developers the chance to put a price on everything. Army based apps for example, $0.99 for a bazooka, $0.99 for a upgrade on a Hummer. Things like that, I don't really like, and I think it could turn out bad for the App Store as well too. I don't think that too many of the app store consumers are going to be happy about this.
With WWDC right around the corner we'll finally be able to see what's up apple's sleeve.
Sites around the internet are buzzing around saying that not only would us iPhone owners not only get the new 3.0 firmware upgrade at WWDC, but also the New iPhone (insert name here) to launch after WWDC? It's unlikely for me seeing as how Apple always and for the past two years has introduced the product then released it. The first gen iPhone being announced in January, and being available late June. As well as the iPhone 3G being announced at last years WWDC and being available in July. Apple always does suprise us though, and with Palm's Pre to launch today (June 6th 2009) Apple could possibly be wanting to have some competition. But let's face it, I doubt the Pre will do better than the iPhone for sure.
So I finally decided to do the video thing. If you have time please email me here to lemme know how I did, and what I should change? I'd appreciate it
So the G1 finally got Cupcake, which of course one of the biggest features added was the touch keyboard, So I decided to compare it to the iPhone, of course! LOL