Internet Tethering with T-Mobile USA Edge Network [UPDATED]
Written on 9:50 PM by irockish
Well I'm in California today (July 3rd) San Diego, to be exact. 4th of July weekend and with the family. Well I have EDGE service on my iPhone. So how am I doing this blogpost? Well sure there's an app for that! ? No not really, blog posting from the iPhone isn't really my thing.
So how am I. I'm tethering my iPhone's EDGE service to my computer. It's really simple, I am not even joking. The best Part too? It doesn't even require you to Jailbreak your iPhone!!! I have my phone jailbroken but only for ultrasn0w, I try not to run so many JB apps as I like my battery life not to be used by apps in the background.
This tutorial is simple and does work with AT&T 3G service as well. Now for you AT&T people, try not to do so much, if you use it to send some emails, check facebook then your good. But don't go using it to download music, or videos or something. Why? Well because If AT&T sees some heavy 3G usage on your account, well I don't know what the consequences are but I'm sure they may suspend your account or something.
Tethering At the moment is not allowed for AT&T service, BOO! Now with T-Mobile I don't think there should be any consequences because window phones have Internet sharing apps on there as well, so no problem there
If you follow this tutorial and follow it right you should be tethering in no time.
1. Open safari on your phone and go to ""
2. Scroll down to the first "mobileconfigs" and click on it.
3. Select your country
4. Select Carrier (if your doing T-Mobile, do U.S.A > T-Mobile.
5. It will then take you to your settings and on the top right hit install.
6. Reboot your phone
7. Go back into safari and go to the second "mobileconfigs" and enter in your internet settings (for t-mobile it should be either or depending on your internet plan)
8. Hit Install
9. Go into Settings>General>Network>Internet Tethering and Turn it on
10. Use USB mode (most common)
11. If your on Vista it should automatically install and set up on your PC and should take 2 minutes at the max!
ENJOY and retweet this please!
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