How To Get Twitter, Mail, Calendar, and Weather On Your Lockscreen


Written on 3:00 PM by irockish

This video will show how to get Twitter Updates, Calendar Events, and Weather, all on your Lockscreen

Enjoy :)

FML Pro App Review


Written on 2:59 PM by irockish

In this video I review the FML Pro app available in the App Store for $1.99. Enjoy

FML Pro [iTunes Link]:

How To Get MMS on Your iPhone 2G - As Well as keeping your Internet Settings!


Written on 2:58 PM by irockish

Dear Apple,

MMS Does work on the iPhone 2G

Important Info: (link to visit on your phone

AlarmTunes App Review - Wake up with your music!


Written on 2:56 PM by irockish

AlarmTunes allows you to wake up a different way, with your MUSIC from your iPod. For only $0.99 it's an application for anyone!

AlarmTunes in iTunes:

Tweet This Video:


How To Get YourTube For Free!


Written on 11:39 PM by irockish

Love the new Yourtube application that lovely integrates with the

Well to get it for free go into cydia and add this lovely source =D

look in changes and there you will see YourTube Downloader, install, respring and enjoy :)

Camera Safe App Review - Protect Your Photos


Written on 8:31 PM by irockish

Protect your photos with this very secure application. $4.99 in the App Store is it worth the price??

Camera Safe iTunes Link:

Camera Zoom App Review v1.1 - Now Working with 3.0!


Written on 8:29 PM by irockish

I review a great application called Camera Zoom, available in the App Store for only 99 cents!! Well needed feature for a iPhone 2G, 3G, and 3GS!!


iTunes Link:

Apple’s Amazing Window Display, Featuring iPhone Apps!


Written on 7:35 AM by irockish

[via TechCrunch]

Apple Q3 2009 Conference Call - 5.2 Million iPhones Sold - WHOA!


Written on 10:32 PM by irockish

Apple announced their Q3, 2009 financial results today. The Company posted revenue of $8.34 billion, with 5.2 Million iPhone sales in the quarter. That makes an install base of 45 million plus iPhone OS devices, including iPod touch.
The iPhone and iPod are obviously doing really well obviously in sales. They also talked about sorting on Apps differently, and lowering MacBook prices. There's also a whole bunch more if you wanna read about it click here.

[via TiPB]

GPower Tweak - Respring & Reboot from Slide To Power Off Screen


Written on 12:45 PM by irockish

Very useful tweak available in cydia in the big boss source

Check out the video and Enjoy

Watch On YouTube

iPod Touch: I Can Haz Camera?


Written on 12:16 PM by irockish

click for bigger picture

Is the next generation of iPod Touches getting a camera upgrade? But not only the camera but as well as a integrated microphone. Tech sites all across the web believe so. According to

A well-connected source tells us those rumors are on the money, and that Apple’s factories in China are already manufacturing iPod Touch models with integrated cameras and microphones. An Apple spokesman declined to comment when reached by phone.
This is really not suprising me as I could see the iPod touch getting this soon. Why? Well because when you think about it iPod touch owners are held off from purchases in Camera Apps, or applications such as Skype because users would have to buy yet another $30 Headset with mic. I'm sure Apple would like some more money coming in with iPod touch users now being able to purchase more apps.

What else could the microphone mean? Well the iPod touch could also be getting the Voice Control feature as well. This would not be a iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3rd gen only exclusive feature.

Last year the iPod touch 2nd gen came out around Sepetember, we can only wait and cross our fingers to see what Apple has planned for us.

[via iClarified]

RunPee App Review - For the Moviegoers!


Written on 5:06 PM by irockish

An App Review for RunPee, Very good app if your a moviegoer, especially with a bladder

check it out and hope you enjoy

Smack Talk App Review


Written on 5:04 PM by irockish

Ever wanted an animal to talk back to you? If you have an iPhone your in luck!

In this video I review Smack Talk for the iPhone/iPod Touch (only works with headset with a MIC)

iTunes link:




Written on 5:02 PM by irockish

Have a picture or email that shouldn't be seen by others? Selling your iPhone and want to make sure your data is completely gone from deleted pics or confidential emails and text messages, etc? Check out iErase for iPhone iPod Touch!

iErase in App Store: [Opens iTunes]

Review & How To Get Video Recording for iPhone 3G


Written on 4:56 PM by irockish

Sad us 3G owners didnt get video along with the 3.0 update? Follow this video to learn how to get nice video recording for your iPhone 3G! Works on iPhone 2G as well!

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Battery GO! App Review/Demo - Battery info for the iPhone/iPod Touch


Written on 3:58 PM by irockish

Ever wondered how much battery you have left? Wondered what you might be able to do with it left? such as how much time you can surf the web, be on a call, or listening to music? Well Battery GO! aims to do just that. But does it work? Watch the video to find out.

Purchase BatteryGO!: [Opens iTunes]

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Get The Compass App For iPhone 3G/2G!!


Written on 11:59 AM by irockish

Have an iPhone 3G/2G? Sad we don't have the hardware for the new 3GS-exclusive Compass app? Well with this it will make you 50% happier =D It's a spoof app but makes it look like you have the app on your device


The Next iPhone Killer?


Written on 8:43 PM by irockish

Now as you all know I already own a iPhone 3G, soon to be 3GS, but I saw this video and said wow. Sure iPhone does all these things, but the UI is really nice on this phone, plus it also has a 4' touch screen. If specs follow the video just to review them:

  • Scratch proof tempered glass
  • Flash based UI
  • WiFi
  • 7.2 Mbps HSDPA 3G Connectivity
  • AGPS
  • and more

What do you think of it? With a nice App Store like Apples this phone would be awesome in my opinion!

Windows 95 on a iPhone, SAY WHAT?!


Written on 8:38 PM by irockish

I really don't know what to say besides to tell you about the video and more information, I'm shocked

A Russian developer, iWert, was able to use some x86 compatible emulator on the iPhone to get Windows 95 running on the Apple smartphone. A Windows XP version is forthcoming, yes you read that correctly XP coming to iPhone haha.

Vlingo App Review - Voice Control For iPhone 3G & 2G Owners


Written on 4:10 PM by irockish

Since Voice Control didn't come with the update for us 3G and 2G owners, I found a good replacement until you decide to upgrade to the 3GS :) Enjoy

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Features in 3.0 Firmware That You May Not Know About


Written on 10:00 AM by irockish

Hidden features that weren't to much broadcasted out there as "BIG" changes like cut copy and paste or MMS little features, hope you enjoy

Watch On YouTube is a joke


Written on 5:54 PM by irockish

Rebelsim, I'm sure you heard about it. It's the company that sells SIM cards that you put in your iPhone and it unlocks your iPhone. I've never used this, cannot say if it's crap or actually works. When I bought my iPhone it had 2.2.1 on it so I was screwed. I used TurboSIM to unlock my phone and it worked perfect.

So why am I hating on RebelSim, sure they do what they say. My problem with them is that they sell the dev team software and make profit of it. Recently they started selling GeoHot's purplera1n iPhone 3GS jailbreak software. All jailbreaks though are free, most of the time through the dev-team.

RebelSim charges about $20-$40 for the software. People buy it of course because they thing well if I'm paying for it then it must work right? People need to learn how to use Google and YouTube. Google can help you find info and when that info is found, YouTube it for visual. YouTube is the video google in my opinion.

I don't like the people that make profit off of others hard work. Dev-Team to be exact, they put hardwork and people did donate some money for a new iPhone 3GS for planetbeing, but they worked hard and deserved it. That's why I have my little problem with RebelSim.

Happy 4th of July


Written on 1:44 AM by irockish

Happy 4th of July to everyone who reads this post haha. Hope you have a good one. Be safe and enjoy your time with whoever your with.

I'm in San diego enjoying the fresh cool breeze :)

Internet Tethering with T-Mobile USA Edge Network [UPDATED]


Written on 9:50 PM by irockish

Well I'm in California today (July 3rd) San Diego, to be exact. 4th of July weekend and with the family. Well I have EDGE service on my iPhone. So how am I doing this blogpost? Well sure there's an app for that! ? No not really, blog posting from the iPhone isn't really my thing.

So how am I. I'm tethering my iPhone's EDGE service to my computer. It's really simple, I am not even joking. The best Part too? It doesn't even require you to Jailbreak your iPhone!!! I have my phone jailbroken but only for ultrasn0w, I try not to run so many JB apps as I like my battery life not to be used by apps in the background.

This tutorial is simple and does work with AT&T 3G service as well. Now for you AT&T people, try not to do so much, if you use it to send some emails, check facebook then your good. But don't go using it to download music, or videos or something. Why? Well because If AT&T sees some heavy 3G usage on your account, well I don't know what the consequences are but I'm sure they may suspend your account or something.

Tethering At the moment is not allowed for AT&T service, BOO! Now with T-Mobile I don't think there should be any consequences because window phones have Internet sharing apps on there as well, so no problem there

If you follow this tutorial and follow it right you should be tethering in no time.

1. Open safari on your phone and go to ""
2. Scroll down to the first "mobileconfigs" and click on it.
3. Select your country
4. Select Carrier (if your doing T-Mobile, do U.S.A > T-Mobile.
5. It will then take you to your settings and on the top right hit install.
6. Reboot your phone
7. Go back into safari and go to the second "mobileconfigs" and enter in your internet settings (for t-mobile it should be either or depending on your internet plan)
8. Hit Install
9. Go into Settings>General>Network>Internet Tethering and Turn it on
10. Use USB mode (most common)
11. If your on Vista it should automatically install and set up on your PC and should take 2 minutes at the max!

ENJOY and retweet this please!


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ultrasn0w demonstrated on iPhone 3GS!


Written on 12:12 AM by irockish

planetbeing from the dev-team did a live showing of ultrasn0w on the 3GS, showing you that Cydia works perfectly and that the unlock is succesful. Great news for me as I have T-Mobile. Now I just need to get my hands on a 3GS!

iPhone 3GS Unlock Demonstration from planetbeing on Vimeo.

Another Warning To ultrasn0w users


Written on 3:30 AM by irockish

When the official 3.1 beta comes up make sure you do not upgrade to it, you will lose your unlock and possibly lose it forever. Apple is closing the loophole that the dev found to make the unlock. The dev-team will release tools that will allow you to safely unlock to make sure your device stays unlocked and jailbroken

If you have any questions and you've tried ask the dev team but maybe they don't answer back you can tweet me as well. I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability. Want a quick answer? email me at That goes directly to my iPhone

Make sure you follow me on twitter as well!!

Original dev-team blog post

Nice Michael Jackson Theme For Your iPhone


Written on 1:36 PM by irockish

We all saw last week's terrible news and as we lost the King Of Pop. Very sad story, I couldn't believe it myself. YouTube spotlight was on MJ, as well as all the trending topics on twitter, 80% of them were about MJ. R.I.P Michael Jackson, you'll be missed.

Now if you were a big fan, and have a jailbroken iPod/iPhone. Here's a nice theme I found in Cydia for all of you.

To find it easily just search in Cydia, Michael Jackson and should be the first theme that comes up, just to make sure it's the right one, use this screenshot to match it up


New Features in Firmware 3.1 *ultrasn0w users DO NOT upgrade*


Written on 1:17 PM by irockish

If you are a ultrasn0w user and before you get excited please note that you should not upgrade. Why? 3.1 already comes with ways to stop ultrasn0w just as @musclenerd said it would.

So if your planning on buying a 3GS, do it NOW. 3.1 is sure to fix the holes that the dev-team broke through to unlock the iPhone "3G".

So what comes in the new firmware? The following:
- Video editing now gives you the option to trim your clip then “Save as copy…” rather then writing over and replacing the original clip.
- Voice Control now works over Bluetooth
- The iPhone now vibrates when moving icons
- Updated AT&T profile to 4.2
- Updated modem firmware to 5.08.01 (*this is what will kill ultrasn0w)
- Improvements to OpenGL and Quartz.
- APIs to allow third party apps to access videos and edit them. New tools for the developers
- MMS buttons are back in the Messages app for AT&T customers but still don’t work. I wonder when later this summer is going to be?
- Copy & Paste functions also work in the address book as well as in the numeric keypad of the phone application. Nice little improvement, it did work when you would go into the contact and hit edit to get the number now allows you to highlight the number and copy will come up
- Videos can be saved from e-mail attachments and stored in your photo album.
- Find My iPhone feature, still only for MobileMe users, the audio alert Blasts at full volume regardless of what the ringer volume is set to.
- Does not fix the pitch noise for iPhone 3GS users that were experiencing this problem.

I guess with all these features, that is why it's 3.1, instead of 3.0.1 which probably would've just been made to kill Ultra, as I'm sure is Apple's main concern rather than getting MMS out to it's customers.

What's Your Favorite iPhone App?


Written on 1:07 PM by irockish

Telling you guys some of my fav iphone apps? what are yours? Leave a comment and subscribe!

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