Slingbox Mobile in The App Store
Written on 5:48 PM by irockish
Slingbox allows you to basically watch tv, set recordings, etc... on the iPhone. Yup now you can enjoy it on your phone. Take that PALM! It's pretty pricey at $30 bucks, so I have not gotten it. I'd say for about $20 it would be a deal but $30? its ehh. According to the comments apparently about 300 people have decided to take the dive and buy it and so far its at about a 3 1/2 star rating, which really isn't bad in the app store.
The app itself ONLY works on Wi-Fi, but luckily if you've jalbroken your iPhone or iPod Touch there's a tweak called "Tricker ThreeG" that makes slingbox think its on Wi-Fi, when it's really on 3G network. I wouldn't really recommend trying on Edge as you'll probably be home by the time it loads lol. This is available through via Cydia right now.